November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month and hospices across the country are reaching out to raise awareness about the highest quality care for all people coping with life-limiting illness.
“The single most frequent regret we hear from the families we serve is that they come to us for care and support too late…far too late,” said Nancy Desler, marketing and communications manager. “The best time to learn about hospice and palliative care is before you are facing a medical crisis.”
Hospice combines high-quality medical care with the emotional and spiritual support that families need most when facing a serious or terminal illness. Hospice brings patients and family caregivers high-quality, compassionate care and support when a cure is not possible. Hospice can help people live each moment of life to the fullest.
Advance care planning involves talking about the care you would and would not want – and then completing an advance directive to document and share those wishes with others.
Learn more! Throughout the month of November, Circle of Life will be raising awareness and educating our community about the importance of hospice care.