Lifetime Giving Circles
Visionary Circle ($100,000+) |
America’s Car-Mart, Inc. |
Ferold Arend* |
Frances Byrd* |
The Cancer Challenge |
Care Foundation |
June Carter |
Celebrate Arkansas Magazine |
Lamar and Joy Drummonds |
Michael and Susan Duke |
Excellerate Foundation |
Pete and Shirley Esch |
Albert “A.R.” Estes* |
Jeannie Fleeman |
Rex Foust |
George’s Inc. |
Wesley C. & Jean J. Gibbs Revocable Trust |
David* and Ruth Glass |
John “Jack” and Ginger Graham |
Horace and Jeretta Hardwick* |
Dorothy Hamilton* |
Harvey and Bernice Jones Charitable Trust |
The Jones Trust |
Mabee Foundation |
The Carl and Alleen McKinney Charitable Trust |
Miller McNeil Woodruff Foundation |
Dennis and Trude Moore |
Dorothy Morsani* |
Jerry and Cherie Moye |
Northwest Medical Center – Springdale Auxiliary |
NWA Economic Development District, Inc. |
Ozark Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure |
Schmieding Foundation, Inc. |
Jack* and Melba Shewmaker |
Don and Jo Ann Soderquist* |
David and Sue Van Bebber |
Pat Walker* |
Willard and Pat Walker Charitable Foundation |
Walmart Foundation |
Walton Family Foundation, Inc. |
Whitaker Charitable Trust |
Jack and Wilhelmina Williams* |
Ocie Williamson* |
Leadership Circle ($50,000-$99,999) |
3W Magazine |
Bob and Marilyn Bogle* |
The Buck Foundation |
Steve and Michelle Carter |
Dr. Joel and Lynn Carver |
Commerce Construction Company, Inc. |
David and Cathy Evans Family |
GE Foundation |
Gary and Robin George |
Willie George Scholarship Fund |
Harp’s Food Stores, Inc. |
John T.* and Kaye Harris and Mary Lynn Reese Families |
Irwin Family Trust |
Don and Sarah Kendall |
Louis Lichlyter* |
Adrian and Becky Luttrell |
Paul and Karen Mahan |
Northwest Health System |
S.F. Fiser & Company |
Jacalyn Spedding |
Summer Fun Run |
Sunderland Foundation |
Synchrony Financial |
Mary Travis |
Tyson Foods, Inc. |
Sharon Washburn* |
Ambassador Circle ($10,000-$49,999) |
A.G. Russell Knives, Inc. |
Gary and Carol Adams |
Advanced Information Management |
Affinity Marketing Promotions |
Alcoa Foundation |
Dr. Jack and Becky Alston |
Arkansas State Bank |
Arvest Bank |
Arvest Foundation |
Nadine L. Baum Charitable Foundation |
Fadil Bayyari |
Sam Bird |
Charles Bisett III |
Helen Bohning |
Joe “Sandy”* and Juanita Boone |
William P. Carlton |
Brashears Funeral Home, Inc |
Carlton Properties Limited Partnership, LLLP |
Ben and Martha Carson |
Dr. Stephen and Paula Carter |
Charities Aid Foundation of America |
The Children’s Christmas Train |
CitiScapes Metro Monthly Magazine |
Climb for Comfort and Care, Inc. |
Bob and Lena Collins |
Lonnie and Kim Copps |
Tom* and Cynthia Coughlin |
Edward E. Counts Trust* |
Danny and Maggie Craddock |
Custom Electronics, Inc. |
Michael and Cheryl Dastugue |
John and Emily Douglas |
John Drum |
Maggie Dupont |
Eventures Party Rentals |
The Farrell Foundation, Inc. |
Farris Insurance Agency, Inc. |
Ikey Faubus |
First Security Bank |
Phillip and Alta Fletcher |
Betty Flynt |
Pamela and Wayne Garrison |
Joye Gartside |
Butch and Cristie Ginther |
Rich and Catherine Grubbs |
Steve and Betty Hacala |
Dr. Thomas and Marla Harris |
Heartbeat of the Ozarks |
Craig Heins |
Molly Henry |
Joe and Jo Anne Herriman |
Highlands Oncology Group |
Norma Hoag |
Stephanie Howell |
Carolyn Huffmaster* |
Innovative Business Furniture, Inc. |
Wanda Irwin* |
J. B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. |
Jean Jackson |
Bill* and Kathy Jaycox |
Karen Keigley |
J. Robert and Margaret Kelly |
Kenyon Morgan Architects, PLL |
Howard and Elaine Kerr |
Ryan and Shannon Langston |
Latitude 36 Charities |
La-Z-Boy Furniture |
John and Dee Lea |
Tim* and Diya LeDuc |
Jim and Jacqui Lefler |
Robert and Sharron Long |
Thomas D. and Joyce* Lundstrum |
Mike and Debbie Luttrell |
Richard and Mickey Mahan |
Jenny Mar |
Garvin and Eleanor Martini Trust |
Dr. Bob and Darlene Matlock |
Bob and Betty McCrackin |
Mary McKinney |
Doug and Shelley McMillon |
Chris and Pam Meyer |
MillerCoors |
Lawrence and Sheila Morgan |
Xavier “Joe” Musacchia* |
Kelley Nicholson |
Gary and Carolyn Owens |
Dayna Pangle |
Parsons Blind, LLC |
Chuck Pharr |
Buddy and Jamie Philpot |
Bill and Judy Pollard |
David and Joyce Pollard |
Professional Business Systems |
Charles and Brenda Rateliff |
Don W. Reynolds Foundation |
Rise Baking |
Rollins & Callison-Lough Funeral Homes |
Ronald McDonald House Charities Of Arkoma |
Saatchi & Saatchi |
Doug and Lou Sharp |
Bobby and Diane G. Shaw Charitable Trust |
Dr. Chris and Kim Simpson |
Susan Simpson Revocable Trust* |
Steve Smith and Dr. Kellye McElroy- Smith |
John W. Sooter |
Springdale Memorial Hospital Foundation Fund |
Charlotte Steele |
Dr. Darrin Storms |
Dr. Steve and Kathy Thomason |
Georgia Thompson |
Karen Thompson |
Robert G. and Margie L. Tucker Charitable Remainder Unitrust |
Tammy Tyler |
Rex and Dee Vaughn |
William and Jane Vaughn |
Johnny Mike Walker |
Cindy Walters |
Jim and Lynne Walton |
Suzanne Ward* |
Linda Weber |
Wise Hospice Options |
Sam and Sharron Wooldridge |
Donald “Buddy”* and Linda Wray |
Dr. Larry and Michelle Wright |
Zero Mountain, Inc. |
*Deceased |
2021 Donors
Donors ($10,000+) |
3W Magazine |
Charities Aid Foundation of America |
Cynthia Coughlin |
Michael and Cheryl Dastugue |
David and Cathy Evans |
Excellerate Foundation |
The Farrell Foundation, Inc. |
Howard and Elaine Kerr |
Jim and Jacqui Lefler |
The Carl and Alleen McKinney Charitable Trust |
Chris and Pam Meyer |
Miller McNeil Woodruff Foundation |
Susan Simpson Revocable Trust |
Mary Travis |
Tyson Foods, Inc. |
David and Sue Van Bebber |
Willard and Pat Walker Charitable Foundation |
Walmart Foundation |
Walton Family Foundation, Inc. |
Ocie Williamson |
Sam and Sharron Wooldridge |
Donors ($9,999-$5,000) |
Frances Byrd |
The Cancer Challenge |
Sue Coppernoll |
Lamar and Joy Drummonds |
Pete and Shirley Esch |
Joye Gartside |
Highlands Oncology Group |
Dr. Marilyn Kilby |
Paul and Karen Mahan |
Janet J. McMichael Revocable Trust |
Jerry Miller |
Jerry and Cherie Moye |
Pig Trail Harley Davidson |
S.F. Fiser & Company |
Sock It To Alzheimer’s |
Summer Fun Run |
William and Jane Vaughn |
Johnny Mike Walker |
John Ward |
Todd Whatley |
Donors ($4,999-$1,000) |
Gary and Carol Adams |
Jason and Michelle Allen |
Bud and Jan Amann |
Arkansas Community Foundation |
Keith Arnold |
Arvest Bank |
Dr. George and Mary Benjamin |
Sally Benson |
The Blackbaud Giving Fund |
Bob Bogle |
Helen Bohning |
Jim H. and Mary Boyd, Jr. |
Brashears Funeral Home, Inc. |
Mike Brinson |
Robert and Carol Brooks |
David and Laura Brown |
The Buck Foundation |
Lynch and Kathy Butler |
Dr. Stephen and Paula Carter |
Dr. Joel and Lynn Carver |
Neita Caudle |
Wayne Clark |
Ed and Carol Clifford |
Lonnie and Kim Copps |
Alex and Teresa Cornett |
Sherri Crowder |
Helen Demaree |
Bruce and Stephanie Denney |
Alan Dranow |
Shane Edwards |
William and Charlotte Enfield |
Denise Etris |
Family Legacy Planning, Inc. |
Ikey Faubus |
W.A. Ferguson |
Joe and Jerry Sue Finney |
Rollin and Sandie Ford |
Tyler Garman |
Thomas Goates |
Judith Grant |
Carolyn Grimsley |
Rich and Catherine Grubbs |
Guess Who? |
Steve and Betty Hacala |
Harp’s Food Stores, Inc. |
Micki Harrington |
Kaye Harris |
Dr. Thomas and Marla Harris |
Scott Heffelfinger |
Martin Hemenway |
Roy and Christine Hudspeth |
David and Barbara Hunt |
Ironman Foundation, Inc. |
Dr. Edward and Katie Jackson |
Kelly and Wade Jones |
Elaine Kachelmyer |
Barbara Kattell |
Heather Keenen |
J. Robert and Margaret Kelly |
Don and Sarah Kendall |
Amy Knight |
Karthica Krishnasamy |
Ryan and Shannon Langston |
Mark and Tena Larsen |
Carl and Ellen Laws |
Diya LeDuc |
Mark Linkous |
J.C. and Lori Lucas |
Adrian and Becky Luttrell |
Jacqui Lyons |
MANA Medical Associates of NWA, PA |
Jenny Mar |
Tom and Becky McCoy |
Bob and Betty McCrackin |
Mary McKinney |
Pam McLoud |
Doug and Shelley McMillon |
Mary Jane Morgan |
Maran and Pareeta Nalluswami |
Christopher and Donna Nicholson |
Melinda Norman |
Alvina O’Bannon |
Jeffrey O’Dea |
Anne O’Leary-Kelly |
Timothy and Stacey Parham |
Randy and Karen Parker |
The Payroll Company |
PBS Properties |
Shaun and Sarah Penny |
Yvonne Perry |
Margaret Pfeifer |
Cecilie Pinkley |
Paul and Nancy Pinkley |
The Point Financial Group, Inc. |
Paul Polasik |
David and Joyce Pollard |
Charles and Brenda Rateliff |
Marlon Rhodehouse |
Tom and Judy Riddle |
Timothy Robirts |
Sarah Rogers |
Cheryl Royer |
Paula Sanders |
Schmieding Foundation, Inc. |
Schwab Charitable |
Phyllis Shafer |
Helen Sharp |
Dr. Chris and Kim Simpson |
Roxana Sissom |
Cheryl Smith |
Maria Smith |
John W. Sooter |
Jacalyn Spedding |
Thomas and Rita Spillyards |
Springdale School District |
David and Marilyn Swearingen |
James and Nancy Swearingen |
Synchrony Financial |
Stan Szmyd |
Perla Talebi |
Texas Instruments Foundation |
Amanda Thibodeaux |
Charles Tomiello |
Doug and Janet Turnure |
Geraldine M. Urban |
Rex and Dee Vaughn |
VFW Post 2952 |
Walker Brothers Insurance |
Christopher Ward |
David Welborn |
Chuck and Ellen White |
Bobbie Wright |
Carolyn Wright |
Ron and Lynn Yowell |
Donors ($999-$500) |
Molly Adkins |
Debsue Aldinger |
AmazonSmile |
Bruce and Ann Applegate |
Jerry and Sylvia Argetsinger |
Lou Baer |
Marge Bahash |
James and Linda Baker |
Jimmy Baker |
Michael Betz |
Pat and Robin Bodishbaugh |
David Bradley |
Charles and Linda Breitzke |
Claude Buckley |
Keith Bunting |
Jaime and Wilma Carrillo |
Jared Cavness |
Valerie Cavness |
Dorothy Childre |
Clairvoyix LLC |
Arthur Clark |
Linda Cline |
Allen Couey |
Danny and Maggie Craddock |
Sam and Gloria Culpepper |
Lela Davidson |
Bill and Nancy Desler |
Sara Dungan |
Suzanne Evans |
Clayton and Sheila Eversole |
Falling Springs Church |
John Ferm |
Christopher Fisher |
Warren Flynn |
Dr. Mary N. Ford |
Doylene Fuqua |
Gertrude Geis |
Julie Gibbens |
Debi Graham |
Carolyn Haisty |
Claude Harris |
Helen Hellweg |
Joe and Jo Anne Herriman |
David Hickman |
Cheryl Hill |
Patti Hilton |
Greg and Lisa Hines |
Hiwasse Church of Christ |
Holiday Island Community Church |
Mary Hooser |
Dr. Lamar and Melissa Howard |
David Jeffrey |
Ralph and Gale Jensen |
Larry Johnson |
Gerald and Charlotte Johnston |
Dr. Marsha Jones |
Richard Kaiser |
Suzanne Kennedy |
Jim and Erica Kever |
Andrew and Lynette Kirmer |
Knit Club |
Terry Lavy |
Elizabeth Leer |
Ernest and Diana Lucero |
Larry Lundstrom |
Sheryl Mabry |
Peggy Malatesta |
Dr. Lance and Tareneh Manning |
Dr. Bob and Darlene Matlock |
Constance McDonald |
Betty Meyer |
Cindy Moehring |
Scott and Amanda Musick |
Gary and Virginia Neaville |
Charles Newkirk |
Tony and Missaha Nichols |
Katherine Olsen |
Anastasia Peters |
Alan Phillips |
Jean Price |
Professional Business Systems |
Dr. Josh Rankin |
Dr. Sheldon Riklon |
Ralph Robinson |
Goldie Russell |
Zabin Sachedina |
Scott and Victoria Samuelson |
Wes Saunders |
Katey Scott |
Brenda Sharp |
Bob Shupper |
Michael Silk |
Laurie Smalling Letts |
Emily Smith |
Kevin and Deanna Snavely |
James and Carolee Starovich |
Harry and Susan Stephens |
Richard Sterup |
Stephanie Thielfoldt |
Patricia Thompson |
Donnie and Rhonda Thweatt |
Courtney Trevillion |
Connie True |
Annette Trupiano |
Sandy Tush |
Jackie Wade |
Walmart Neighborhood Market |
Jay Warner |
Doug Warrings |
Carla White |
Charles Widhalm |
Linda Williams |
Tobias Williams |
Maurice and Pam Willis |
Linda Wray |